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作者:useradmin 来源:未知 发表日期: 2015-02-05 14:54

石家庄国家动漫产业发展基地创业孵化园坐落于石家庄高新技术产业开发区石家庄信息工程职业学院北校区,建设规模3万余平方米。园区于2008年5月批准建立,同年12月18日正式开园。2011年园区荣获河北省文化发展“五个一”工程奖,2012年园区被授予省级文化产业发展“三个十”之十个大型文化产业集聚区之一,并被授牌“河北省服务外包产业基地” 、“省级创业孵化园”和“石家庄大学生创业实训示范基地”。园区现有入驻企业28家,其中服务外包认定企业16家。

Shijiazhuang national animation industry development base the entrepreneurship zone, covering more than 30,000 square meters, is located in the north campus of Shijiazhuang Information Engineering Vocational College. The entrepreneurship zone got the permission in May 2008 and opened on December 18 in the same year. The zone was awarded one of “The Five NO.1”projects of cultural development in Hebei province in 2011, and also one of the top 10 largest cultural industry areas in 2012.It is also entitled as “Service Outsourcing Industry Base in Hebei Province”, “Provincial Entrepreneurship Zone” and “Entrepreneurship Training Base for College Students in Shijiazhuang”.28 enterprises moved to the park including 16 licensed service outsourcing companies.

园区企业河北玛雅影视有限公司、河北新雅动漫有限公司、河北精英影视文化传播有限责任公司以及河北点点传媒有限公司均为国家认定的全国百家动漫企业。园区主要作品:河北玛雅影视有限公司的动画片《豆丁的快乐日记》(已在央视播出),河北精英影视文化传播有限责任公司的动画片《笨笨牛历险记》(已在央视播出)及系列动漫图书《顽皮豆豆》,河北芮卡文化传媒有限责任公司的“小鹿芮卡” 系列启蒙教育动漫产品。其中“小鹿芮卡”原创动漫项目获得“2011国家动漫精品工程”。河北美术出版社卡通漫画创作中心出版的《人民英雄》(精装)荣获中国第二十届优秀美术图书铜奖,并入选2012年新闻出版署向全国青少年推荐百种优秀图书以及首届动漫中国政府奖入围奖。

In the zone, Hebei Maya Film and Television co., LTD, Hebei Xinya Animation Co., Ltd, Hebei Elite Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd as well as Hebei Diandian Media Co., Ltd, are all certified as the top 100 national animation enterprises. The main works produced by the zone include “The Happy Diary of a Boy named Douding” (having been broadcasted on CCTV) by Hebei Maya Film and Television Co., Ltd, “The Adventures of Stupid Cow” (having been broadcasted on CCTV) and Series of comic books “A Naughty Boy Named Doudou”by Hebei Elite Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd, a series of comic products for children education under “Deer Ruika”by Hebei Ruika Culture Media Co., Ltd. Among these “Deer Ruika”was awarded as “Excellent Project of National Animation in 2011”. “People’s Hero”(hardcover), published by the Cartoon Creation Center of Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, won bronze award of the 20th Excellent Art Books in China and was recommended by Press and Publication Administration as one of the 100 excellent books for the national adolescents, in addition, it entered the final list of the first year animation award from Chinese government.

 园区管委会根据学院 “优秀员工的摇篮,职业经理的基地”的办学理念,与入驻企业共同打造大学生实习、实训平台,园区企业每年为学院师生提供近千个实习、实训岗位。为了优化企业的发展环境,孵化园管委会为入驻企业无偿提供办公场地、网络、水、暖等各种服务。

Based on the college’s goal “the cradle of excellent staff, the base for professional managers”, the zone Administrative Committee, cooperating with the entered enterprises, built the internship and training platform for college students, and nearly thousand internship and training posts are offered. In order to optimize the environment of enterprise's development, the zone Administrative Committee provides office space, internet, water, heating and other services for free for the located enterprises.


After more than four years of entrepreneurship and development, the zone achieved obvious improvement, and became more famous and more influential.


